Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, also known as The Powerpuff Girls, are three delightfully sweet sisters who have dedicated their lives to saving the world from crime and fighting the forces of evil. When Professor Utonium created the adorable kindergartners, he expected to produce three typical little girls. But because the professor accidentally spilled a secret ingredient into his concoction of sugar, spice and everything nice, he wound up with three not-so-typical little girls--complete withremarkable superpowers! Now, the only thing left to say about the adorable, pint-sized superheroes is The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!
Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, also known as The Powerpuff Girls, are three delightfully sweet sisters who have dedicated their lives to saving the world from crime and fighting the forces of evil. When Professor Utonium created the adorable kindergartners, he expected to produce three typical little girls. But because the professor accidentally spilled a secret ingredient into his concoction of sugar, spice and everything nice, he wound up with three not-so-typical little girls--complete withremarkable superpowers! Now, the only thing left to say about the adorable, pint-sized superheroes is The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!