Chicken Jack: Jack is turned into a chicken by a cranky wizard but while trying to fix this he is captured and forced...
Jack and the Rave: Jack tries to save a group of teenagers from being brainwashed by a sinister DJ and his hypnotic m...
The Good the Bad and the Beautiful: Jack boards a train to his next destination only to be attacked by a couple of ar...
Jack and the Zombies: Aku lures Jack into a mystical graveyard and unleashes a legion of undead soldiers to battle him.
Jack in Egypt: Aku unleashes three ancient Egyptian monsters to destroy Jack. However he can only fight the shadow wa...
Jack and the Travelling Creatures: Jack must journey past a water creature a mountain creature and a flying creature ...
Jack and the Creature: An over-friendly creature begins to follow Jack inadvertently messing up his every move along ...
Jack and the Swamp Monster: Jack is persuaded by a swamp wizard to travel the four corners of the Earth in search of ...
Jack and the Haunted House: Jack is locked inside a spooky old mansion. In the distance he catches sight of a figure ...
Jack the Monks and the Ancient Master's Son: Jack is taken to an Ancient Master who directs him to a gateway home. Ho...
The Birth of Evil - Part 1: Ancient gods Odin Ra and Rama try to destroy a powerful evil. However one piece lands on ...
The Birth of Evil - Part 2: The gods Odin Ra and Rama give the Emperor powers to forge a mystical sword that can defe...
Jack in the Labyrinth: Jack is told of a labyrinth which holds a diamond that can send him back home. However a maste...